Welcome to the UNI Tennis Club Home Page!
This website is designed a resource for the UNI Tennis Club. The goal is to provide prospective members with information about the UNI Tennis Club, its mission, and its goals. This website will not be regularly updated, but provided information and links should be relevant for all semesters going forward. If, after reading this webpage, you have questions, please e-mail tennisclubuni@gmail.com. Someone should respond to your question shortly.
The UNI Tennis Club aims to serve the semi-competitive to competitive tennis playing population at the University of Northern Iowa. Its goals are to provide an avenue for its players to continue high-school-style competitive tennis, to get to know other students with a similar interest, and to provide a fun and social atmosphere. If you feel this might be the environment for you, we encourage you to attend one of our practices and check us out. Information as to annual dues, practice times, leadership (officer) possibilities, and more is readily available either by talking with the current officers are one of our practices or by e-mailing us at tennisclubuni@gmail.com.
Take a moment to read about our mission, glance at past meet photos, and generally get a better idea of what we are about. We think you will find that if you enjoy the game of tennis the UNI Tennis Club will be the organization for you!